Tag Archives evangelist

How does a Gamer become a “Fanatic”? From players to evangelists

Be a gamer or enjoying video games is something natural. Even more nowadays with the large number of games and consoles being released that constantly cater to many types of tastes. The Gamers fan base has grown increasingly over the decades and does not seem to be a momentary trend. Regardless of race, color, creed or religion, games are an entertainment focused product which does not discriminate anyone and receives various types of followers.

gamer-hearth-marketing-gamesAlthough video games have been popular for many years, discussions around the topic has become more and more enthusiastic. Due to the easy access to communication tools, such as social media and forums. You may have heard the term “Fanatic” gamer, this term may seem pejorative in a first analysis. Although if we search deeply it means someone who is overly enthusiastic, with a devotion almost always blind, passionate lovers who follows a principle.

Make the players believe in its principles is the main goal of companies like Microsoft, Nintendo, Sega, Sony, and many others. Increasingly working and investing in communication and marketing to catch their audience. Making them more than fans, they become evangelizers of their brands. Like any other product, brands tend to motivate their consumers. Not only use their products, but make them recommend their products to their family, friends, etc.

What makes a Gamer become a Fanatic?

missing-heart-marketing-gamesA Gamer does not become a fanatic from day to night, it is necessary to have a great relation between the players and the company. A good quality product is the first step, but from there it is necessary to understand the particularity of each consumer and deliver what they need and expect. Once this step is done, do we have a “Fanatic Gamer”? Not quite yet… the truth is, in order to have an individual who defends your brand fighting tooth and nail and additionally promoting it, the company needs to reach the “extra mile”.

Let’s think beyond… to deliver a game which catches the players attention in a long term, the game companies are working on something more than just the game itself. Collector’s editions, DLC, expansions, sequels, action figures, themed events, tournaments, orchestras, etc… Probably not all of these items will please you. Although surely, some will touch your heart and in that moment we have what we call “share of heart“. Which is the process of awakening the consumer preference, with a combination of creative strategies.

For sure, we can say that not every gamer loves all the games that they played. On the other hand if the final product can overcomes their expectations. Achieving 110% and taking effective position in the mind of the player, reaching and continuously surpassing their expectations… DONE! You will have a fanatic gamer working as an evangelist for you. It is easy to say it, but extremely hard to achieve. Undoubtedly some franchises have touched your heart. If you are thinking about some names right now, they have accomplished their mission successfully.

Let’s talk, share with me some moments that has touched your Gamer’s heart?